Just before Christmas, Islington Council quietly extended the consultation period for Seven Capital’s proposal. They are now expecting it to go to the Planning Committee in March. This gives us more time to raise our concerns, objections, and give feedback.
We have successfully raised our concerns with others and have the opportunity to raise awareness beyond Archway. Here are three actions you can take today to help!
Write to Historic England to get the Holborn Infirmary buildings listed. The reason why this site is a Conservation Area is because of the buildings - surely that means they should be protected from developers intent only on profit?
Share your objections with the GLA. The Greater London Authority is accepting comments on the scheme and should know that what Archway needs is social housing and homes for families - not expensive student accommodation when there’s no demand for it.
Keep writing to Islington Council and your elected officials. Don’t let decision makers think that they can sneak this decision through. We’ve seen them try with the minimum consultation period possible, limited letters about the consultation being sent to near neighbours, and delaying the Planning Committee without publicity. What are they trying to hide and why don’t they want to hear our views?
Neighbours were busy over the holiday period and came together to submit a joint objection letter, which you can read here. This has been sent to Islington Council and elected officials.